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Katzenzubehör schöner Wohnen
EN - With our beautiful lambskin covers, you can transform ordinary chairs into cozy retreats and add a comfortable and inviting ambiance to any room.
Here are some key points to know: The natural warmth of lambskin has a soothing and relaxing effect. Lambskin, inherently bactericidal and dirt-repellent, possesses a high self-cleaning ability. It provides naturally regulating warmth that remains breathable throughout the year. Lambskin covers contribute to the prevention and promotion of health; they are skin- and fur-friendly and prevent static charges.

DE - Mit unseren schönen Lammfellen verwandeln Sie gewöhnliche Stühle in gemütliche Rückzugsorte und verleihen jedem Raum ein behagliches und ansprechendes Ambiente. Diese Accessoires bieten nicht nur hervorragenden Komfort, sondern fügen sich auch nahtlos in Ihr Wohnzimmer ein. 
Hier sind einige wichtige Punkte zu beachten: Die natürliche Wärme des Lammfells wirkt wohltuend und entspannend. Das von Natur aus bakterizide und schmutzabweisende Lammfell verfügt über eine hohe Selbstreinigungsfähigkeit. Es bietet eine regulierende Wärme, die das ganze Jahr über atmungsaktiv ist. Lammfellauflagen tragen zur Vorbeugung und Förderung der Gesundheit bei, sind haut- und fellsympathisch und verhindern statische Aufladungen.
Merino Lambskin Original Shape

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Iceland Lambskin Original Shape

Average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars

Iceland Lambskin round 38 cm

Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars

Cat Accessories No Apartment Should Be Without

In a cat-friendly apartment, several essential accessories should not be missing. Here are some indispensable elements:

katzenzimmer Kratzbaum Kletterteppich
Katzenspielzeug Ersatzanhänger

1. Cat Furniture like Scratch Mats: Scratch mats provide cats with not only the opportunity to sharpen their claws but also to stretch and exercise. Our high-quality mats, made in Germany, are known for their durability and longevity. They are a perfect addition to any home.
2. Comfortable Cat Beds: Cats love to snuggle into soft, natural materials and lounge comfortably. In our range, you'll find a variety of easy-to-maintain cat beds that perfectly complement your home decor.
3. Stimulating Cat Toys: Toys play a significant role in a cat's life. They stimulate their natural instincts, provide physical and mental exercise, and offer hours of fun. In addition to classic toys like feather wands, balls, and mice, we also offer innovative alternatives like our cat teaser system with a wide selection of interchangeable attachments made from various materials, from feathers to fur.

At Profeline, we are passionately dedicated to enriching the coexistence of cats and their owners. Our focus is on cat-friendly accessories and creating spaces where cats can play, relax, and express their natural instincts. We are supported not only by our dedicated team but also by our charming ambassadors Maja, Boris, Lilly, & Assol.


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